Sometimes we make a break in terms of gadgets and technologies and we directly especially a small, clear explanation of some of the concepts used in internet but not in everyday life.
Many of you probably will have made your first steps on the Internet and at least you will have your profile on social networks and your email account, right? But many people have taken the step to create a blog or website, which exposes daily concerns, information or whatever you feel like talking at that time.
But how many of you have seen grow your project and have tried to take a step forward and turn your simple blog to Blogger or WordPress or other online platform of a more sophisticated with more options and upgrades and amenities for visitors?
But it turns out that not everything is so simple and you have been thinking about concepts we do not understand or do not know how to explain. Today I will clarify four concepts that will constantly appear when you begin your project.
These concepts are: Domain, Hosting and Server.
When we ask for domain: we know that is the name of our project extension, ie the mark with our website to be known. For example,, ....
Hosting: To give you an idea of what it means, hosting imagine a hotel where each room is saved in a web page, then to hire a hosting will give us a little space where we can create and manage our website. The advantage is that we should hostings manage the host, this ensures the company where service contracts. Instead the hotel can this gap and everything works perfectly, but instead if there are many rooms in use, the service will become worse and if we need our service works quickly maybe we go to another hotel or hire more stars Dedicated server.
Server: The servers, in Castilian servers, are at first glance, powerful computers dedicated to the customer and this ensures that all the system resources used one customer having 100% of the resources available for the use we want .
Course, hire a server has its drawbacks and the main one is that we have to devote to maintenance or hire some extra service to do it for us, in any case, more expensive to hire a hosting. We shall have the right system safe from hacker attacks (hackers), daily update in the system, backup and see that the system works 100%.
Well with these three concepts clear, I think I can decide what services you need for your project.