In not much Siri could be a function that is incorporated into Mac computers, as long as a job on offer at the Apple website is what we think. The post in question is called "Siri UI Engineer" and is for an engineer with experience in Unix and OS X. particularly
Currently labor supply has been removed from the website of the company, but still at least two British blogs have managed to see it in time. The important thing is that the position is focused on OS X, not iOS, which is the only platform that currently runs Siri, so he could be making estimated arrival at Mac in the coming months.
The rumors about the arrival of Siri to OS X have been floating around the web for a while and gained strength when there was talk of the future version of OS X, 10.9.
Another part of that job says there will have to collaborate with different apps developers, suggesting that Siri to OS X may be a great integration with other applications, which has progressed very slowly iOS level.
If Siri is included in OS X 10.9, then you can try just the last few months of the year. If somehow is thrown aside, surely we will see much earlier.