Showing posts with label google drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google drive. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Super Talent Express RC4, new memories USB 3.0

Nowadays many people are making a little side using flash memory and start using cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and some more which can be accessed from any computer with Internet, so it is almost as whether to take your files with you everywhere.

For those who still prefer the traditional method of getting information from one place to another in a USB flash memory, here is a new line that has been announced recently, the Super Talent Express RC4.

As the title says, the Super Talent Express RC4 is a family memory that use USB 3.0 interface and are available only in high capacities, being these 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB. They also have a Windows To Go certification and have 4 channels of NAND Flash chips. They are able to provide read and write speeds of 240MB/sy 100MB / s respectively.

The RC4 Express price was not announced yet, but expect it soon disclosed.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Google Drive VS DropBox and Other Clouds Storage : Who is Win ?

"Google Drive"  isn’t New to Clouds Storage System in Google.Google have many Clouds Storage System such as Keeping Photo(Picasa), documents online (Google Docs) But It's new way to occupy online World Service.

The product is called Google Drive and it is likely to go after the same problem that online services like Dropbox and SugarSync are trying to solve: how to add a file to your desktop and access it from all your other computers and mobile devices. You edit a file – say a presentation – on one device and the changes are instantly propagated to all your other devices.

The 5 GB of storage, and it launches next week, likely on Tuesday at

Now let’s talk details. It’s no surprise that it will roll out for free. What’s interesting though is that Google is planning to start everyone with 5 GB of storage. Of course you can buy more, but that trumps Dropbox’s 2 GB that is included with every account. Dropbox does make it easy to get more space, including 23 GB of potential upgrades for HTC users.

Three Thing Google Drive Must Do To Compete With Dropbox

1.Size of Storage : Google start with 5 GB of storage and Dropbox start with 2 GB But dropbox has easy way to increase size of stroage.
2.Dropbox is live a long time in Apple Store and Android Market But Google Drive is starting now.People have a lot of file in Dropbox.It's hard way to change wont.
3.Clouds Storage have many website as Ubuntu One,SugarSync,SkyDrive,Apple iCloud,Amazon Cloud Drive/Player,Box.Google Drive Must has more impressive.What is Advantages in Google Drive to win them ?

Would you use Google Drive, or will you stick with Dropbox? Or will you wait for Samsung's S-Cloud? And how can one service stand out from the others? Let me know in the comments :)