Showing posts with label Predator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Predator. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kingston debuts USB 3.0 flash memory 1TB

It was several years ago when the memories with 4GB of space were awesome. Today, for about $ 40 we can get with a capacity of 64GB, but Kingston has something more in hand, and stupendas some memories with capacities of 512GB and 1TB, ready to make your wallet exploding with prices.
Kingston is not the first company to create such a model, since about a year ago he was presented the Victorinox Swiss Army priced, having been produced, would have been about $ 3,000.
But better move on to what's important. What gives us the Kingston memory 1TB? First off DataTraveler HyperX is called Predator, and second, we do possess the best flash memory in the world, have an even greater capacity than my hard drive and its great interface USB 3.0 gives us a reading speed and 240MB/sy write 160MB / s respectively.
How much will the DataTraveler HyperX Predator? Well was not announced, but given that the 512GB model spends $ 1,700 dollars, may not be interested to know.