Showing posts with label touch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label touch. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

Accessory lets you control PCs and Macs through gestures

"Company says that Leap is 100 times more accurate than the Kinect.User does not touch the screen to perform the commands."

An accessory that is placed in the same position the keyboard promises to control the computer in Windows, Linux or Mac, including notebooks, by gestures without touching the screen. Called Leap, the device is placed in front of the screen, the keyboard position, and recognizes the user's hands and objects that can be used to control programs and games.

The unit should start to be sold in the United States from the end of 2012 and can now be ordered for $ 70 ( click here to watch the video demonstration of the device ).
The Leap promises to be 100 times more accurate than the Kinect sensor for the PC and Microsoft Xbox 360, detecting movements with one hundredth of a millimeter. It lets you surf the inernet, draw, navigate through maps, play games with only your movements.
Being small, the company says the device can be taken on trips.
Usuário move o dedo na frente da tela, sem tocar nela, para poder desenhar (Foto: Divulgação)  
User moves the finger in front of the screen without touching it, in order to draw
Games de tiro em primeira pessoa podem ser jogados com gestos das mãos (Foto: Divulgação)  
Games first person shooter can be played with hand gestures 
Imagem mostra com o Leap detecta as mãos dos usuários (Foto: Divulgação)