Showing posts with label network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label network. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter seeks ways to retrieve old posts

 Dick Costolo

"Twitter CEO says the company is working on an export tool that will compile all the tweets that a user has logged on the network"

Twitter is working on a tool that allows users to export each Tuite has been done on the site, said the chief executive, Dick Costolo, the American newspaper The New York Times .

But why would anyone want all of your tweets - possibly going back to all stories published since 2006, when Twitter was first released?

Facebook now allows users to download a "personnel file" which includes a list of all messages you have sent to someone, a list of every friend you have on the network, copies of any photos or videos you've sent site and more. I recently looked for my file and was surprised at the amount of data shared - a package of 46 MB of files and folders - and look what I consider a user is not so active.

Now imagine the data of 140 million users of Twitter, which are firing 140-character tweets throughout the day - every day - or about his personal life or about his thoughts about current news and repercussions they have.

In fact, Twitter has become a major news feed and real-time communication tool. Consider as examples only a few events that accounted for the most popular ' tweets per second '(TPS) last year: a half-hour show of Madonna's Super Bowl (10,245 TPS), the Tim Tebow touchdown during a playoff in American Football Conference (American Football Conference in free translation) on January 8 (TPS 9420) and the death of Steve Jobs (6049 TPS).

So the idea of ​​a person being able to see perhaps tens of thousands of his thoughts over time, all in one place, is quite convincing. For some people this would act as a virtual diary and journal information - all in one place.

Currently the Twitter only gives users access to a number of tweets and Costolo did not say when the company will launch the export tool in which people are working. Meanwhile, recover old posts is important to you, try , which backs up social networks, or CloudMagic , which is a lightning fast way to search for things Exchange, Twitter, Gmail, Google Apps , Chat, Docs, Calendar and Contacts.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the tool that Twitter is developing is only to users of the tweets themselves, not to "dig" the entire network. "They are two separate problems of engineering search," the Times said Costolo. "It's a different way of architecting the research, going through all the tweets of all time. You can not just put three engineers working on it."

Friday, July 13, 2012

Twitter Launches Application for Nokia Series 40


The network of 'microblogging' Twitter has released an application for Nokia Series 40, with which claims to offer a "native experience, fast", dedicated to this terminal. Now available in the Finnish company store.
As Twitter recalls on their website, Nokia is the "world's largest platform" with thousands of devices around the world today are still in use. This does not mean that, not smartphone OS and have a pointer, do not have applications available in the market to improve your Internet experience.
Twitter is confident that these terminals are spread over a platform and so have launched a specific application. In it, users can "discover one of the richest experiences" available for this device, according to the Twitter product manager, Brian Frank, the blog network.
This series began in 1999 and has since developed into the online world with hundreds of programs and applications. Since 2011 and with the arrival of the browser Nokia Browser, Series 40 you can download all kinds of applications available on the market and manage your downloaded files in the system.
In fact, earlier this year the company launched a new version of the browser, the Browser 2.0, which increases speed by reducing data consumption up to 90 percent.
Related links:
- Blog on Twitter
- Nokia Store

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Privacy complaint filed by the attack on PlayStation Network

The Data Protection Agency has filed a complaint against Sony Facua by 'hacking' the online service of the PlayStation. The agency could not prove that you can apply the Law of Protection of Information (Act) Spanish to incidents involving the company and its impact to users.

In late April 2011, Sony announced that the company closed its network of online gaming worldwide for "maintenance problems". However, later acknowledged that the global moratorium was due to infiltration of a group hacker could have compromised the security of the data of millions of passwords, purchase history, billing addresses and even credit card data .

For these reasons, in Spain FACUA-Consumers in Action denounced the Data Protection Agency (AEPD) to Sony, saying the company was responsible for "security hole in its network of online games on the PlayStation Network was a cracker accessed confidential data. "

The Spanish subsidiary of Sony claimed during the inspections of the AEPD that the incident occurred on the premises of San Diego, and Sony Spain tended not responsible or liable, because "there had not tried to access data from service users, and their business scope is limited to the sale of consoles from Sony and video game developed by companies contracted by Sony. "

Moreover, while 334,453 users had provided credit card details to Sony, the company said that these data were specifically protected, and passwords of users, which were stored encrypted using an algorithm.


Accepting the explanations of the company, from the AEPD, have decided to close the case, in a ruling issued in April July, when not accredited that can be applied to the Spanish Data Protection Act incidents involving company Sony.

According to the law firm specialized data data protection "to apply the Data Protection Act, the penalty could have been put SONY, would reach € 300,000."

In this sense, according to these experts, the AEPD "has not had an easy, neither the ICO (British Authority data protection equivalent to the AEPD) or Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have responded to requests for information during the proceedings of research. "

On the other hand, Sony Spain explained to Data Protection took the following measures to minimize the problem: speed data transfer models, which was previously planned, a new processing center with increased security measures, implementation of automated software control and configuration management, improvements in levels of protection and data encryption, improvements in the detection of intrusions, unauthorized acessos and abnormal patterns of activity, addition of new electronic walls, and the creation of the position of Chief of Security Information, reporting directly to the Chief of Security of Sony Corporation, among others.

Europa Press Europa Press


The cat lovers and their videos, that is, all Internet users world-are in luck. It has been called the first Festival of Internet videos of cats. This is a contest, open to any user, which compete with the best videos starring cats. Internet Cat Video Film Festival accepts videos up to July 30. A month later, on August 30th the winners will be announced.
Videos of cats are already a classic Internet. Millions of users spend their spare time on the Internet consulting the many videos that cats of all types, age and race, made comic or unusual actions. This type of video has made such a number of followers that has motivated the creation of a contest to determine the best Internet video jacks.
The event is called Cat Internet Video Film Festival and opened the acceptance stage videos. Users can record their pets and send the video by 30 July.
There are no restrictions for the videos or the number of clips that you can participate. Users only have to be indexed your name, email address and the direction that is hosting the video in question.
On August 30 will celebrate the "gala" Cat Internet Video Film Festival, where you can see the finalists. The creators of the event have said that their intention is to share his passion with other lovers of videos of cats.
The creation of a festival like this is an example of the possibilities of the Internet and the ease of experience and have initiative on the network. Those interested in joining this festival and can record and send videos.
Related links:
- Page for sending video ( # gid = 0)
- Blog of the festival (
- Video of cat playing piano (