Showing posts with label google maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google maps. Show all posts

Monday, January 7, 2013

Google explains why Google Maps does not work on Windows Phone?

Lately there have been reports of users who can not access the web version of Google Maps for its smartphones that run Windows Phone. What is this? Well Google has explained very well.
The web version of Google Maps application is available only for WebKit browsers rate, ie browsers such as Chrome and Safari from Apple . Internet Explorer, which is the standard browser on Windows Phone, not a WebKit browser, why where users can not access the Google service known.
Google Maps is not officially supported by Windows Phone and it seems that Google currently has no intention to create a native application for said mobile operating system Microsoft .
Why should this mess? Is it because Microsoft has its own search engine (Bing, which certainly does a great job), or perhaps because of conflicts between companies lately?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Google Maps adds indoor floorplans

Google Maps is really great. Many are those who adore and use while many others miss him, as those who have an iPhone with iOS 6 that have no application because of known reasons.
Now, to further improve the service, the Google guys have decided to give us something that was so far only available for Android devices, and this is the inner planes of various buildings.
Accessing Google Maps via our Internet browser and can display over 10,000 drawings of interiors of different buildings in the world, such as department stores, airports, train stations, museums and similar infrastructure.
No doubt that tourists will come this new feature more than good.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A look at what could be Google Maps for iOS 6

Several weeks ago, we witnessed Shcmidt Eric's words, who said that Google Maps for iOS 6 was not being developed . Is that the way to avoid many set their hopes on the form?
Lots of iPhone 5 users are almost desperate. The app maps incorporating iOS 6 is a mess, but everything can change in a couple of months. The developer Ben Guild has acquired images of what could be an alpha phase of Google Maps for iOS 6, and says the application is super-fast.
It seems that after all the expected application itself is in development, but did not yet know how to seize Guild images.

For now we have to wait to be some other data.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The iOS map application 6 was an idea of Steve Jobs

If you are looking to blame someone for replacing Google Maps with the faulty app for iOS maps 6, then you can blame Steve Jobs.
Former CEO and co-founder of Apple was one of the first to have the idea of shipping the Google application and instead use a mapping application itself. Jobs himself apparently started with this task and put Scott Forstall leads the project, installing a secret team on the third floor of a building company.
Jobs, who as we all know he wanted to destroy Android and had very bad relations with Google, was pretty frustrated often with the search engine company. On one occasion, it crossed his mind the idea of ​​removing Google search on the iPhone, but realized that the general public would reject such a thing. Surely not think the public was also delighted with Google Maps.
Although Jobs gave the green light, it is clear that I can not see it completely, because it certainly would not have allowed that it was released as it was a pretty perfectionist in some respects.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eric Schmidt: Google Maps for iOS 6 is not even in development

You might wonder who is Eric Schmidt. He is the former CEO of Google and one of its current executives, or in short, a person who knows what he says. And what this person says is what many feared: Google Maps for iOS 6 is not being developed after all, and unfortunately have to settle for the poor map application Apple, although it is expected that Apple will make some improvements .
This undoubtedly has shattered the expectations of many people planning to be using Google Maps on your iOS devices 6 for Christmas, the date on which supposedly the application and have seen the light, but we now know that this is not so and that the company's finder not even being developed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Apple is looking for ex-developers of Google Maps

The iOS map application in June proved a failure, as I discussed a few days ago . No doubt Apple has realized this and that is why you are looking to hire ex-developers of Google Maps to help you improve your app maps. A person who has contact with both Google and Apple says developers are interested in offering since Google Maps usually requires only minor updates, while iOS 6 Maps is a brand new product.
Al looks like one of these people is being offered a salary of $ 85,000 and will pay all expenses that have to do with your move. It seems that the Cupertino company is quite desperate.
Without doubt one of Apple Bugs was stop using Google Maps and replace your faulty application, leaving many frustrated users. Now it appears that Apple will have to make a few modifications to iOS 6 Maps to fix things.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Google Maps for iOS could be available before Christmas

It seems that many users of iOS 6 are not happy with the update they have received. This new version brings iOS app maps Apple and it seems that it replaces the previous application, which used Google Maps. The main problems that Apple developed the app is that you can see and transit directions if you press the button to obtain leads to the App Store. Would not it be nice to just download Google Maps? Sure, and Google is working on it.
According to sources, the company is doing hard work to create a Google Maps application for iOS 6, but it seems that this app will be available (and lucky) just at Christmas.
If the launch of Google is far and can not stand the application created by Apple then you can try other two that are free and are called Waze and Scout.
Indeed, it appears that Apple failed application for a few meters to locate the Washington Obelisk (image).

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Apple drops the YouTube application for IOS 6

Apple iPhone

iOS 6, the new mobile operating system version of Apple not only will Google Maps on your side, but another application related to the company, YouTube will also be removed.
Since the launch of iPhone in 2007, YouTube has been in all versions of the smartphone , but it seems that 5 years after the relationship between Apple and Google are not going very well.
The latest beta of iPhone OS 6 no longer has the aforementioned app , and this is because the license that allowed Apple to put the YouTube application on iPhone OS is no longer valid, though of course users can access the portal via video a web browser and Google is already well on their own trabajanado YouTube app, which will be available in the App Store, meaning that IOS 6 does not have the application by default, but then we can download it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Google Earth now in 3D and iOS 5

The app of Google Earth for iPhone OS 5 has just received a great update. From now on, we can enjoy 3D buildings in the popular Google application. This new 3D buildings layer comes even before the release of IOS 6, where, as we all know, Apple has decided to include their own software 3D map and let go of Google Maps.
Apparently, the new Google Earth is so great as it will be the future Apple system maps, Flyover. Note that if you want to install the new update to the 3D layer edifcios need at least a 4S iPhone, iPad 2 or third-generation iPhone.