Showing posts with label S II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S II. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Man wounded by the explosion of a Galaxy Note

A South Korean man suffered second degree burns after the device exploded.

Not the first time we see cases of exploiting Samsung devices, and this time the protagonist is a device Galaxy Note. It was Sunday afternoon when a 55-year-old suffered second degree burns on his right thigh. It seems that the Samsung Galaxy Note battery he carried in his pocket exploded, damaging both the clothes and the body of the person.

Although the incident was quite severe, there are not many details about the case. A Samsung spokesman said that lithium batteries can catch fire if they are under pressure or sudden temperature changes before. It seems that you are still trying to determine what actually happened in this case.

Others in the past have been victims of other models in the Galaxy, such as the Galaxy S II that injured a young or S II Skyrocket which burned in the pocket of a man if memory serves me.

Have you ever had problems like this with your phone?