Showing posts with label financial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

HTC profits drop significantly during the second quarter

Looking at it from the financial side, the first quarter was a little hard on HTC because the gains were not anywhere near expected, and there were those who believed that the line of HTC smartphones One would help you soar. Not so. As many anticipated, the company's earnings fell markedly, by 60% between April and June.
After unveiling the report on the months of January, February and March, HTC said it expected to hoping for a little less profit for the second quarter, but ended up going the more pessimistic analysts felt about it. To make matters worse, both Apple and Samsung with their earnings remain at stable levels, allowing them to invest more in product development than it can afford to HTC.
It is expected that the July-August-September is also a bit lazy to HTC, which is likely to be worsened with the arrival of mobile as the Galaxy Note 2 or the iPhone 5.
Will HTC make the scales in your favor?