How does the 62,000 spectators translate "Carmina or die" on the Internet, DVD, TV and movies? Light up a new business model the debut of Paco Leon? Spanish cinema, seeking alternatives to the crisis, assesses this new formula that has revolutionized the distribution of cinema.
Not the same success that a windfall. "Carmina or die", the fictional documentary that Paco Leon has made his own mother, Carmina Barrios is a success not only for the three awards harvested in the last Festival of Malaga.
"It's a hit," he said Efe producer, Alvaro Alonso, Jaleo Films. "Apart from recovering costs, looking for people to see the movie and watching. It also opens the door to other film production. A new way to make cheap products with technologies that are available."
Breaking down the Paco León tweet yesterday saying that his mother "has achieved more in the fight against piracy Sinde Law," Alonso explained that this was one of the goals of "Carmina or die."
"It was our bet from the beginning. Make it easy to not spend a penny in cinema. That would compensate them pay before pirate it. Let them see that they have paid 1.95 and has not happened", explains the producer.
But that "recover costs" can not be ignored. Alonso explained that the cost of production of 'Carmina or die' was 100,000 euros, "but it is a real cost." "It is, precisely what we have spent, but there are a lot of money capitalized. If you'd paid all be talking about more than 200,000 euros. And advertising must be added around 60,000 euros."
"I think it's a profitable formula for a film like this. We will see the final figures, but two euros you have to sell much to recover. Would have to raise about € 500,000 across all platforms," says the producer.
Official figures yesterday showed that leaving those 62,000 spectators with the computer picks the ICAA for automatic aid, which gives two viewers for viewing online and by DVD-corresponded to theaters by 7.3, 35.5 the 54.3 DVD and internet.
Maroto Nieves, manager of Alta Films, told Efe the cost to release a film in theaters. "Each copy is for about 800 or 900 euros," he said, adding that "the collection is divided fifty-fifty with the room."
Both the distribution of the DVD (to 5.95 euros) and viewing on line (between 1.95 and 3.99 euros, depending on the platforms) are also divided fifty-fifty with the producer.
In a rough estimate, "Carmina or die" has hit theaters, with 4,650 spectators, about 35,000 euros (encrypting an average of 8 euros entry); 65,500 euros thanks to the DVD (11,000 copies to 5.95 euros ) and raised on the Internet, taking an average price of 2.5 euros, 44,125 euros to 17,650 viewings.
The sum is nearly € 150,000 in a weekend, so that producers would have received about 75,000 in four days.
"If a Spanish film premieres in theaters and the first weekend it makes 150,000 euros, saying it has not worked well. Why say 'Carmina or die' is a tremendous victory? The film has a very low production figure but half a Spanish film worth 1.5 million euros, "says Maroto.
"We are excited by Paco León, because we believe it has been very honest. Since she started the project already had the idea to do this experiment. He has fulfilled his dream," says Maroto, adding that Alta Films was interested in distributing the film.
"But there is a great business model far," says the manager of the distributor, who recalls that 1.1 million spectators have flocked to the movies this weekend and that "to have gone up in the soup (in reference to the media coverage has had the unusual release of the film) 62 000 spectators not so much ".
Juan Carlos Tous, founder and CEO of Filmin, the platform that has captured 40 percent of the viewings on line to make "Carmina or die" in the title of most watched his young career, believes that any conclusion is premature. "We need a little time," he told Efe.
From Filmin have been proposed to make a report of "Carmina or die." "We want to collect all the figures in a month and put them in a job to make them available to the industry in investment, profitability and marketing."
But in any case, Tous initiative recognizes that Paco León "is a first step towards standardizing quality internet as a window where you can watch movies."
Alonso said: "The only conclusion to be drawn so far is to be flexible film market. There is a new business model, but it is pushing to change the model. Possibly, some great delivery company thinks not have been wrong to have it in theaters. "