Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Motorola announce the Droid Razr HD on September 5


Motorola and Verizon have announced that they will bring forward an event on 5 September, and all indications are that it will present the much-rumored Droid Razr HD.
The invitation can see a picture of Gotham Hall in New York, which is where the event will be held.
The words "On Display" can be seen in the invitation, and certainly are a reference to the high-definition screen HD Razr, the Motorola Droid Razr successor.
The new smartphone will be the first phone from Motorola to feature a 720p HD display and have the Verizon 4G LTE network.
Numerous leaks talk about the specifications of this phone, which apparently will have a 4.5-inch screen with 1280 × 720 pixels, will also have navigation buttons on the screen and have an 8 megapixel camera. It also says it will use Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, which actually does not surprise us much.

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Kingdom for the Princess 3, a game in which you build your own kingdom


There are all kinds of applications and games for phones , and one of the strangest I've seen (and I say this not only for the title), is My Kingdom for the Princess 3. This is a game in which we must manage a kingdom and falls under the category of simulation and strategy.
It is available free on Google Play.

Razer Pro Kraken, spectacular headphones for gamers


Attention gamers, Razer has just released a new and striking (very striking indeed) product to market, and this is a new pair of headphones called Kraken Razer Pro. Due to the design you have, we can use them for long periods of time and not feel no discomfort, and are equipped with two neodymium magnets to give us spectacular sound quality.
The Kraken Razer Pro are also fully retractable microphone, a standard audio jack (3.5 mm) and a connector for the microphone. The Kraken Pro price is $ 80 dollars.

CellFamily: monitor smartphone activity from your son


CellFamily is an app designed Android to parents so they can monitor everything your child / to do with your smartphone . It gives us access to the call history, the message, is able to detect bad words can mute the smartphone of your child during certain periods of time, and has other functions. No doubt a very complete application to monitor small.
CellFamily is available for free from Google Play.

MEMOME, flash memory with electronic ink display


The designer Jui-Min Huang has designed a flash -type conceptual usually not seen every day. The device, called MEMOME, is a USB stick that is equipped with an electronic ink display.
And what is this little screen? Surely more than once wanted to know what was inside a USB stick but you had a computer at hand. The electronic ink display MEMOME allows us to see the files on the device without connecting to a PC.
Undoubtedly MEMOME memory is quite interesting and would be great to one day go into production.

F5t Motion, a great tablet with Core i7 processor and Windows OS


The vast majority of market tablets use Android operating system, but there are others, such as the new Motion F5t, using other platforms, and in this case this tablet runs Windows, but it is not the only interesting thing about him.
Within the Motion F5t find something that is not usually found in all tablets (in fact the first in which I see): an Intel Core i7 third generation. Together with the powerful CPU tablet also features a camera, a barcode scanner, RFID reader and Bluetooth connectivity, WiFi and Gobi.
The battery of Motion F5t is about 6 hours. The tablet also has a glass Gorilla Glass which gives it more resistance to drops and bumps.
What about the price? $ 2236 dollars. Those numbers make anyone lose interest, right?

Apple, Google and Samsung team up to buy patents Kodak


Currently, Apple is in the midst of a war with Samsung in the courts, and the block also has a bad relationship with Google , but still the three companies have joined forces to accomplish a common goal.
The Wall Street Journal says that these three giants of technology are behind Kodak's patents, and the plan is to get them at a price considerably lower than what Kodak calls. The trio are looking to make a purchase of over $ 500 million, but it seems that Kodak calls "only" $ 2.6 billion dollars. Kodak is going through its best financially, and the sale of its patents could put back in the place where he remained for several years.
We hope to have more news soon.

Android Malware has tripled in recent months


Android already has become the most popular mobile platform for the masses, a position he held previously iOS, and now insurance operating system Google also agree you can do to Windows for two reasons: 1) it has become immensely popular and is widely used operating system, 2) has become the target of hackers and attackers, who spend their free time typing software and malicious in smartphoes tablets using this platform.
Kaspersky Labs, a Russian firm cyber security, has made ​​a recent assessment and the results are alarming, since the amount of malware for Android has tripled during the last quarter of the year and now there are nearly 15,000 different malware.


Have you been the victim of an infection on your Android device?