We mentioned earlier that Apple could introduce the mysterious iPad Mini and technology in the event next Tuesday and then the device would be released on November 2. Analysts have already begun making their typical sales analysis and predictions for the new iPad Mini, trying to determine how many units of the device will be sold in the coming months. But beyond that it is expected that these sales also have some impact on the older brother, is the 9.7-inch iPad.
It is estimated that for every 5 million units of the iPad Mini to be vendidades, not sold 1 million units of the iPad "great." Others say that sales will be high, but the number placed in lower. In any case, it seems that the iPad Mini will end cannibalizing his brother, but keep in mind that this will depend on a number of factors, and probably the most important is the price you will have the device, thing that we talked about here .
We should note also that 7-inch tablets are very good as the Nexus 7 of Google and Amazon Kindle Fire HD that could make things difficult for Apple.