Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This app transfer songs from iTunes to Spotify in seconds


Many use iOS devices to listen to music daily. To do this, it is often used music application iTunes library and Spotify application. Change between the two can become annoying, but luckily the app M2S for Spotify comes to the rescue.
The great utility of M2S for Spotify is that with it we can send our songs to Spotify directly from your iPhone, iPod or iPad. The best thing about this is that the Spotify music library will be updated instantly.
M2S for Spotify is available for $ 1 on iTunes .

Android applications may be filtering important data


Bad news for Android users: a team of researchers has discovered 41 applications in the store Play Google that could be leaking important data to sites dedicated to sharing this kind of information.
Researchers from two universities in Germany have made ​​a study of which have concluded that many apps on Android can have serious encryption.
The team used a Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.0 to do the research. Free applications fell 13,500 from Play, which found that 8%, equivalent to approximately 1074 applications, were vulnerable code that could be used by an attacker to intercept our data, and by that I mean usernames , passwords, credit card and the like.
The researchers simulated attacks and managed to get some data bank, PayPal payments, American Express and many others. Also managed to gain data from Facebook, mail, cloud storage service and more.
The names of the vulnerable applications were not disclosed. Furthermore, it appears that Google declined to comment.

Apple may launch iTunes 11 and iBooks iPad 3 next to Mini


Today is the big day. In a few hours and the event will be started Apple which we've talked a lot lately. Of course we also played the main theme, ie what will be presented in the happy event.
New rumors are beginning to emerge, and they say they see only the expected iPad Mini, but also at the same event we witness the new version of iTunes and iBooks, which will iTunes 11 and iBooks 3.
Apparently there are already some digital books in the Apple store that requires 3 to be downloaded iBooks as reported by a French blog. On the other hand we talk of the launch of iTunes 11 which was announced at the launch of the iPhone 5 in September.
The wait will pay off in just a few hours.

LG Mobile could be presented in the event Google


With less than a week for a new event occurs Android that Google has organized and which we have discussed previously .
There are all sorts of rumors that talk about what we can meet next Monday, and major say what we will see the new version of Android, the 4.2 Key Lime Pie, but apparently this could also be a new smartphone LG Optimus is likely to run with this version of Android and it is also quite likely that the case of LG Nexus 4 .
In a few days we'll find out. For now, what do you expect it to be what you see?

Google could announce a new high resolution tablet Nexus and Android 4.2


And the rumors about the Android event on October 29 continue to rise. As we said, is likely to see not only the new Andoid 4.2 Key Lime Pie, but also a new LG Optimus , but there are languages ​​that say what we will see the aforementioned operating system and with him will be released to a new high resolution tablet belonging to the Nexus family.
Everything indicates that this device, known as Nexus now 10, is a tablet with 10-inch screen resolution of 2560 × 1600 pixels and also boasts a pixel density of 330 per inch.
On October 29, one day seems to be quite important for Google , right?
Which side do you put the bet: LG Android 4.2 + phone or tablet Nexus Android 4.2 + 10? Or maybe LG Android 4.2 + mobile + Nexus 10?

Fujitsu Floral Kiss, new line of laptops for girls


Yesterday Fujitsu unveiled a new line of laptops known as Fujitsu Floral Kiss. According to the company, are geared to girls and even the development of the portable was in charge of a team composed entirely by female staff.
This is a smart team in every way, both in form and design as well as its accessories, mouse, power adapters and other devices that can count, not to mention some applications.
The specifications are not bad and this indicates that it has good technology . Use the operating system is the new Windows 8, the processor is an Intel Core i5 and the disk space is 500GB, among other things.
The Fujitsu Floral Kiss will be available from November in three colors: white elegant, luxurious pink and brown female.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halo 4: Release trailer


Halo 4 is the successor of the legendary saga of video game Halo FPS. This game, unlike previous editions, was not developed by Bungie, but by a subsidiary of Microsoft called 343 Industries. Halo 4 is the first title in a new trilogy that will have two titles. The plot of Halo 4 takes place four years after the events of Halo 3, Master Chief (aka Master Chief) will again be the main protagonist. The game will be released on November 6th worldwide and will be exclusive to the Xbox 360. Here we can see the launch trailer for Halo 4, "Scanned".

Internet Explorer 10 available for Windows 7 in November


Whenever lack least for the launch of Windows 8. While Microsoft is very focused on the new version of its popular operating system, this does not mean that users will remember will not update immediately. Windows 7 users who want to get their hands on Internet Explorer 10 will do. Giant software plans to release an early version of IE10 for W7 in mid-November, while the final version will be coming later, and for this to happen users and developers will have to help Microsoft by sending all the feedback possible.
Reportedly, IE10 will be 8% faster than Chrome 20, which apparently would make it the fastest web browser for all. Is it true? Will have to see to believe.