Saturday, November 3, 2012

Space Angry Birds updated with 10 new levels

While the community of fans is very eager Rovio launched Angry Birds Star Wars, which will take place on November 8, perhaps time interests you complete new levels in the popular Angry Birds Space.
If you've completed the game and managed to get 3 stars on all levels, then surely you will be interested to know that the app has just received a new update. We will now have a total of 10 new levels for Chapter Red Planet and the major objective of the mission is to recover the Curiosity that is none other than control pigs.
Players who get 3 stars on all levels of all five planets may unlock secret levels extra to play.
The update of Angry Birds Space is available for both iOS and Android.

Apple delays launch of iTunes 11

One thing is certain: Apple is a company perfectionist. You probably have noticed that much of their hardware and software is made ​​taking even the smallest details in mind. Yes, there are exceptions, such as the application of six iOS maps and other things, but in general, tries to block when creating their products. Proof of this is the delay in the launch of the new version of iTunes. While the company promised that iTunes 11 and other upgrades would see the light at the end of October or early November, this was not entirely true.
According to a spokesman for Apple, the launch of iTunes 11 will require more time than expected. The company wants to greatly simplify the interface and improve its integration with iCloud, among other things, all of which have delayed the departure of the current software until the end of November.
If you expect the new version of iTunes soon, will have to wait several more weeks.

Scientists want to develop a plasma thruster for space travel

Space travel and space missions have always had a problem: cost. This is something that has been addressed for a long time, but unfortunately this aspect has not been much better to say.
A group of scientific experts in the field of plasma have gathered under the name of HyperV and intend to c rear an electric drive that propels the spacecraft using plasma, which would significantly reduce the cost of space travel.
Using this type of electric propulsion, the mass and weight of the rockets would cut, which would reduce fuel costs, resulting in cheaper missions. While there are other types of electric propulsion systems, HyperV think your project will be the ultimate solution.

HTC Opera UL, could this be the smartphone of Facebook?

Much has been said about the possibility that Facebook will launch a smartphone market, but the company's CEO has denied this a few times. They recently resurfaced rumors as voices come direct from Taiwan that a new smartphone called HTC could be the smartphone of Facebook. This is in particular a model known as HTC UL Opera.
From Taiwan have also come rumors that this device will not be released soon and that its development has been delayed, but we do not know why. Whether or not the mobile phone of Facebook, what would we find a processor (probably quad-core) at 1.4GHz, a Qualcomm Adreno 305 GPU, HD display with 1280 × 720 pixels and operating system Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean. As you can see, the UL Opera HTC smartphone seems quite promising.
Do you think Facebook will launch its own mobile really someday?

New technology could improve the battery life of your smartphone

Do you wish there was a technology that allows our smartphones remain charged twice as long? If so, read on entonce.
Eta Devices is a company founded by two professors from the prestigious MIT, and reputedly has the technology to make this possible. Joel Dawson and David Perreault, founders of the firm and the aforementioned MIT faculty, claim to have the solution to the energy problems with most modern phones, something that has not happened to before. In any case, it seems that the low battery life of many smartphones should amplifier. Is our phones and tablets are used amplifiers that convert electricity into radio signals, but it seems that these amplifiers absorb too much battery power, which makes them wear faster and sometimes the phone is noticeably warmer.
Eta Devices has designed and is testing a new type of amplifier you plan to implement next year. If initial tests are successful, it is likely that the battery life of smartphones will see duplicated.
Great, is not it?

Android continues to dominate the market

According to a recent report, which deals with the sale of smartphones during the last quarter of the year, the mobile operating system Google still reigns, since 75% of smartphones sold run Android. In other words, this operating system was present in 3 out of 4 phones sold.
We're talking about 136 million units that run a version of Android or another of a total of 181 million. Of course these numbers are due to large sales of high-end phones like the Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X, among others. At the same time, this made BlackBerry phones and Symbian lost market share even higher, which was coming.
Apple also has to take credit for reducing the share of operating systems from RIM and Nokia, as its iPhone sales reached 27 million units, while last year in the same room had sold about 17 million.
The Windows Phone platform from Microsoft remains silent in the background, but it is noteworthy that the number of users has doubled compared to 2011.
What operating system uses your smartphone ? Android?, IOS, BlackBerry, Symbian or Windows Phone?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spartan Ops Season One, the new development of Halo 4

The gaming community and gaming Internet is increasingly impatient and excited because of the imminent arrival of the new Halo 4. Halo 4 is the successor of the famous series of games first person shooter that originated in 2001. Again, the player will take control of the character Master Chief, who has been in suspended animation for more than three years after the events at the end of Halo 3.
Halo 4 brings a lot of firsts for the franchise, in addition to a great multiplayer and will be the first in a new trilogy. There are many who believe that Halo 4 will be the game of the year. Below we can see the latest trailer released: Season One Spartan Ops.

The launch will be on November 6.

IO Data HDCA-UT, new USB 3.0 external drives, high-capacity

The guys from IO Data has again improved its line of external drives with interface USB 3.0 to incorporate new models HDCA-UT to the list. These are two different disks with capacities of 1TB and 2TB.
Like 3TB and 4TB models, new family members HDCA-UT also has a USB 3.0 interface as we have said, use NTFS format can make recordings of TV and are backed by a 1 year warranty duration.
The HDCA-UT 1TB will be released in mid-November for $ 144 U.S. dollars, while the 2TB HDCA-UT cost about $ 183 U.S. dollars.