Before the iPad Mini was put on sale last Friday, many criticized for its high price, have a lower resolution than the competition and bring only a few new features. Still, this did not affect sales of the device.
Through its CEO, Tim Cook, Apple wasted no time in announcing that during the weekend set a new record in sales and almost exhausted all available Mini iPad. Obviously already working to create more units and to meet the high demand from consumers, who between Friday and Sunday acquired about 3 million iPads between the iPad and the iPad Mini 4, which means that they were, on average, a million iPads per day.
It is more than likely that many consumers believe they have the obligation to take any of the new devices on the block since last Friday at 8 am and there were 800 people in line at the store that the company is in Manhattan. Not only the weather was unfavorable, but also due to damage caused by Hurricane Sandy much of the city was without power, with various problems that hampered transportation and some areas were still flooded.
Below is a video of the line of people waiting to buy the new iPad.