It seems that just seep 8-inch version of the Galaxy Tab 3, the latest tablet introduced by Samsung. The South Korean company unveiled the 7-inch device a few weeks ago, and now there are rumors and there are several data on a version with a slightly larger screen. Obviously, the 8-inch model looks very like the 7-inch, and the differences between them are really few actually.
As rumored, the new August 3 inch Tab has a screen resolution of 1280 × 800 pixels (slightly better than that of his younger brother), also has a 5 megapixel camera on the back and the front is one of 1.3 megapixels. Its connectivity available include Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi and 3G, and level has an interface port for USB 2.0 . Its battery has a capacity of 4450mAh and its processor is a dual-core running at 1.5GHz.
That's all we know for now. Probably Samsung will release this new version of the Galaxy Tab 3 next month, so I should not be surprised to see an official announcement in a few weeks.