Sunday, January 13, 2013

Urinal for children with iPad included, for future Bill Gates

I can personally say that teaching a child to handle a computer goes through before letting a monitor with a mouse and keyboard in hand, leave it alone for an hour and when you come back you know handle it better. This innate tendency in smaller seems to have a great future in commercial because they have even invented the first potty (that I know) that comes with iPad included.

The funny thing is that the pot is designed for those children who can not yet speak or crawl and probably still is, that seems like a surefire way to keep them entertained while they are doing their physiological needs plus they are introduced to computing environments. On the other hand it also seems a way to go training them for a future in which they will spend more time looking at a screen doing something else.

If you would sell it for about 30 euros (obviously, the iPad or the tablet you want to use is not included, if not I would have asked me a couple), but for now no idea where you might find it because currently it is another of those curious inventions coming from CES2013 lately.

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