Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Google buys Sparrow, e-mail client for IOS and Mac

Sparrow + Google

Sparrow, premiered in October 2011, had become in record time in one of those programs that do not need advertising, but popularized by word of mouth among friends. The e-mail program, which initially only worked on Macs, has just been acquired by Google, although neither party has made ​​public the amount.

So, Sparrow, that service for managing and controlling Gmail accounts in the iPhone or the Mac, now past the ranks of Google, according to recent reports that have on the subject.

'We care about how people communicate, and have always done our best to provide the email experience more intuitive and enjoyable as possible,' says the CEO of Sparrow, Dom Leca, in a post published this morning on the company blog. 'Now we are joining the Gmail team to achieve a larger vision, one that we think we can get better with Google'.

Sparrow applications have managed to become the most popular with users of Apple devices thanks to its clean design and smart functionality. And service users will know what I mean and would certainly not have shown signs of surprise at this news, since the acquisition by Google Sparrow is something we saw coming a long time, since the application was integrated well with Gmail, even surpassing in many respects to the Gmail application itself in IOS.

How to install Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean in the Nexus S

Google has started to launch the updates, but you may not yet have. So if you are desperate to discover each new Jelly Bean in your Nexus S, then I recommend the following steps of this tutorial we are going to share below.

Android Jelly Bean

Just remember that you are solely responsible for what may happen to your smartphone as a result of this process. True, this tutorial is meant to help, but nobody is going to be responsible if you take any step goes wrong. Above all, keep in mind the model of your Nexus S to be able to apply the steps in this tutorial, it is not for everyone. In the steps of the tutorial I give models for those who can use it.

Now, with that clarified, let's go through the tutorial to install Android 4.1 Jelly Bean in your Nexus S.
  • Step 1: Unlock the bootloader, make a root and flash mode controller ClockworkMod Recovery. This procedure can do it easily with this software: download all-in-one root tollkit Nexus .
  • Step 2: Download Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean (JRO03E) from this direct link from Google . The. Zip file you download is to update from Android 4.0.4 Jelly Bean (IMM76D) in the following Nexus S: i9020T / i9023. It can also work in the Nexus S i9020A, according to some users. In any case, and left up to you. Just do not intend to apply this. Zip on computers without Android 4.0.4 or any other model that has not been mentioned in this step, because there they can have problems.
  • Pas0 3: Restart ClockworkMod mode (CWM) Recovery off your Nexus S and then simultaneously press the buttons simultaneously to increase the volume and power.
  • Step 4: Make a backup nandroid. This will help you recover information in case you have problems later with the Jelly Bean ROM.
  • Step 5: Choose the option 'install zip from sdcard ", then" choose zip from sdcard' and then the. Zip you downloaded in step 2. This will make Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean is flashed on your Nexus S.
  • Step 6: When you're done, go to the CWM main menu and restart the system, selecting 'reboot system now'.
That's it. If you followed the steps right, I'm sure now you are enjoying the new features of Android Jelly Bean in your Nexus S. If you do not dare to follow this tutorial, you can expect that Google will send the notification to upgrade to the new version of Android in the coming hours, days or weeks.

Malware in an app of IOS can infect our PC

 apple malware

Recently made ​​an interesting finding in one of the apps store apps from Apple . Instaquotes Quotes Cards for Instagram is the application of IOS you have malware on their structure. It is a worm known as "Worm.VB-900".
It seems to be harmless for IOS and Mac, but if you use iTunes from a Windows PC then the worm can cause you some problems, but surely the antivirus detect achieved before (if you have it updated of course).
Most surprising is that this is not the first time an app in iTunes / App Store becomes infected, and that not long ago something similar happened with the application Find and Call.
Quotes Instaquotes developers Cards for Instagram said they were working on a solution to the problem. If you have this application, it is best to eliminate him until the next version comes out

Could lower the price of Kindle Fire

kindle fire

Amazon is working hard to create the next generation of Kindle Fire, or the Kindle Fire in the event of confirmation of what we saw yesterday. Apparently rumors that when the successor of Fire hits the market, the original model will be low in cost that will make even cheaper than the Nexus 7 from Google . In this form, Amazon would be following in the footsteps of Apple when the company lowered the price of its iPhone and the iPad 2 after the start of the new models.
Kindle is expected to pass Fire cost $ 170 U.S. dollars, becoming one of the tablets cheaper and more popular in the world. This in part will help to give more competition to the Nexus 7, which costs $ 200.
We have to wait a couple of months to see what happens.

Supersonic Patriot XT Rage, a great USB 3.0

If you are looking for a flash memory interface with USB 3.0 , large storage capacity and quality, then you found, and is the Patriot Supersonic XT Rage, which is available in 32GB and 64GB also.
The Patriot Supersonic XT Rage offers a read speed and write 180MB/s ,50MB/s respectively, and also has a NAND controller / IC.
The Patriot Supersonic Rage XT is compatible with both Windows and Linux and Macs

PicFrame, Android application to make photo collages

What good do a photo collage?  To represent something is very useful. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then imagine how useful it can be a combination of images. That's PicFrame, the app Android (also available for IOS) that allows us to make a collage with several photos. In these pictures we can make some small changes and then use up to 5 to assemble the collage and the way that we like.
Of course, this task can be done in a computer,but we do PicFrame quickly, and it is easier to carry with us a smartphone than a laptop.
PicFrame costs $ 1 in Google Play.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mountain Lion OS X goes on sale today

For users of a Mac, it's as if Christmas had arrived in July. It happens that OS X Mountain Lion, also known as OS X 10.8, will be available from today July 25.
For $ 20, will be able to get hold of Mountain Lion only in the Mac App Store. Remember also that if someone bought a Mac after June 11, the upgrade will be free.
Mountain Lion OS X adds a strong focus on our Mac with your iPhone or iPad, and all notices, including messages and reminders, can be sincornizados between devices. It also makes it easier to share content on Twitter, Flickr and Vimeo. CEO Tom Cook said the operating system has a 200 new features, but keep in mind that is available only to those who possess or OS X Snow Leopard OS X Lion.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, gets new gameplay 

The guys at Konami have just released a new gameplay video for one of its new video game , Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. This title is an action game in the third person to be available for both PS3 and Xbox 360 early next year. For a little more about the game, just watch the video below.