Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Amazon already sells more ebooks than paper books in the UK


The ebook has already won the game against the paper book, at least in the UK. Amazon just announced in a press release sales figures for its popular electronic book reader family, Kindle, has exceeded the total sales in traditional format, in both paperback and in tough in Britain. In May 2011, sales of ebooks for Kindle had already advanced, with a ratio of 2-1, the hardcover.
For every 100 books printed Amazon.co.uk sell, have sold 144 eBooks. The difference could be even greater, since in the final tally Amazon did not include free Kindle books (many editions of classic and contemporary texts that their authors make for free download) but those texts that are on paper but not in ebook.
"Consumers in the UK are now choosing more often Kindle books printed books, even though our business is growing role," said in a statement Jorrit van der Meulen, vice president of Kindle for Europe. "As a result of the success of the Kindle, we are selling more books than ever for the benefit of authors and publishers."
Readers who read more have a Kindle, as Amazon says. Each of them buys four times more books than before they bought the electronic reader. And according to the firm defends not only buy mail: also made with paper books.

Phenomenon Fifty Shades of Grey

The figures will also update the podium of record sales in electronic form. JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, and yields his throne to the author of a trilogy of very different. EL James, author of Fifty Shades of Grey, becomes the best selling author of Amazon in the UK, getting in just four months, two million books sold through its erotic novel trilogy.
James has become a global publishing phenomenon, breaking sales records and becoming a minority gender in a quite popular.

In the future mobile voice will disappear and will be used only to talk and surf data


The fourth generation mobile known as LTE (Long Term Evolution) allows among other things, transmit data at high speed and eliminate conventional voice. Two companies will be the first to take the first step towards the 2013 but there are other operators such as Verizon, ATT or Srint that intend to provide voice by LTE.
Disappears voice messages and MMS
South Korea Telecom plans to launch voice data associated with the Galaxy Samsung S3, terminal capable of connecting to LTE. For the MetroPCS mobile will offer its customers the LG Connect 4G. This movement highlights the need for manufacturers will launch terminals compatible with the fourth generation, in fact, the latest rumors assume that the next iPhone 5 will have LTE connectivity.
These packages deleted such rates as voice, SMS and MMS. Only hire customer data and can call, send messages, pictures or video reaizar network using LTE. Is to see the price of the plans and possible limitations, but it appears that users will benefit.

Astronomers find huge crack in the surface of the Sun


U.S. astronomers have discovered a huge crack in the sun's surface that has never before been observed, according to NASA.

The crack, photographed by U.S. astronauts, has a length of approximately 800 000 kilometers. NASA scientists perform appropriate studies to determine their origin.
According to scientists, it is possible that the accumulation case of cold, dense gas and is held on the surface of the star by the magnetic field. The formation of gas has a dark color because its temperature is considerably lower than the temperature of the sun

Meet the largest map of the universe in three dimensions (Video)


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), after making the largest and deepest of the night sky photography captured so far, now wants to expand that image and presented a three-dimensional map of massive galaxies and black holes away. This map has a press release in the Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute, which works with the project, will help astronomers to explain two of the great mysteries of modern science: dark matter and dark energy.
The collaboration has also released an instructional video which shows a simulated journey through the universe of galaxies in the SDSS project. The animation shows over 400 000 galaxies in their observed positions and real images of the same. Each of the points of light seen is a galaxy containing billions of stars and planets.
The 3D map, the key to the ninth publication of data that made this collaboration, is available on the pages http://www.sdss3.org/dr9 and http://skyserver.sdss3.org. Among the content that can find no images of 200 million galaxies and over a million spectra. Of these, 540 thousand are galaxies, most had not been studied previously and we see them as they were when the universe was half its current age, which is about 13.7 million years.

Google announces elimination of 4,000 jobs at Motorola, most in the U.S.


Internet giant Google announced Monday the elimination of 4,000 jobs in Motorola two-thirds of them in the U.S., to try to shore up the cell phone maker bought in May.
Google agreed to compensate workers affected with "generous compensation" for dismissal and retraining programs, said a Google spokesman, confirming press reports. The "strategy" aims to "facilitate the return of profits in the unit cell phone" Motorola said.

Social Media Tour urged to think, populate and exploit potential of the World 2.0


Only an event like the Social Media Tour (#smtour), held today at Hotel Kristoff in Maracaibo, these can use their phones, tablets and smartphones, in fact, the action is a must, since it was an event of exchange of information technology on business strategies for social networks Facebook and Twitter-mainly, security and management of virtual communities, which were urged to think, operate and be effective with the great benefits and potentialities of the world 2.0.
The panel of experts and guests to the Social Media Tour was composed by Luis Carlos Diaz (@luiscarlos), coordinator of the Communications and Networks Gumilla Center, Manuel Alejandro Roldan (KTiReX) EntreClicK.com CEO, Rafael Gomez, social networking editor of Panorama, Grissel Montiel (@grimonti), coordinator of Social Networks and Virtual Communities Management at the University of Zulia (LUZ), community managers Mood Agency (@Mood_agency) Social Sila (@sila_social) and 141 Strategia (@141strategia), Fernando Nuñez (@nuneznoda) infoCIUDADANO.com editor, and Peter Rojas (@seniormanager), Professor of Marketing and Digital Strategy at several universities in Spain and author of books on Community Management and HR 2.0.
Diaz presented "The digital agenda for Venezuela" in which he emphasized the importance of the internet in this decade and the possibility that this means moving to television. He spoke about the need for the country to become the Internet in a basic service like water, electricity or gas, and urged to think about the world right at 2.0 as a springboard to fight for other rights.
"Unlike the real world on the internet there is no discrimination, each own your own," said Diaz. In turn, listed three challenges for a citizens' agenda: to demand, including internet and people, ie the digital universe filled with content, own videos and pictures. Then, share the experience with others in order to add new Internet users.
Security: The Weak Link
On the other hand, Roland presented the "Security and social networking," a song in which he emphasized that a community manager (CM) is in charge of the company image, and what you should look is your password, which "should be easy to remember and hard to guess."
One of the tips to prevent networks are "committed" is not use the same password on all services, and must be changed every month, recommended Roldan, who said the goal is to minimize the chances that a hacker can access information from the accounts of the brand or company that represents because they are looking to create a "reputational damage".
In that sense, Roldan said other tips to prevent falling into the traps CM from hackers: only install programs from the official website, avoid running programs 'pirated', keep in mind that some leave the wifi signal for information of users, secure mobile devices with a password.

Networks and partners
The premise was maintained throughout the presentations was that while social networks themselves are not the only way to connect with fans of the brand, they form a useful tool in order to obtain the goals that you draw each CM according to the goals of the company he works for.
In this regard, Gomez told how was the experience in the use of social networks in a newspaper Zulia. Panorama said she learned not only having to leave the streets to ask questions, and that since the launch of its Facebook page and Twitter account, found answers through these networks, so much has published a printed page completed using only the comments of its users. "With that we give them ownership and participation," he said.
In his presentation, Gomez exemplified how the social networks have impacted media, which have adapted to these changes have resulted in the communication model to make it more "horizontal", an idea supported by other specialists attended the event.
Montiel said his experience as a CM of social networks has shown that light in the world worth 2.0 quality rather than quantity in terms of content that are published. He also stressed that the office to attend a community of more than 20 thousand users has made him understand the responsibility of managing a corporate image: "For a tweet can suspend classes."
The value amount also applies to the followers. In a short forum with several advertising agencies recognized CM, Montiel noted that a user has more value that demonstrates loyalty to one that only continues to get follow-back (as is known the method employed by some tweeters to get followers). But do not rule where necessary, recognizing that as CM of LIGHT has paid for students to ask questions that otherwise would not dare.

Journalists multidisciplinary
Meanwhile, the share of Núñez Noda deepened over the media, the role represents an MC and how this networking activity has affected the profession of journalism, which has created a "2.0 earthquake" and poses challenges "fabulous" .
Nunez noted that the challenge facing the great content that is generated on the Internet is to differentiate between the diversity of communicators and journalists, and this assumes that the professional handle all possible tools, but specializes in one area.
He explained that journalists should be multidisciplinary, and that from the beginning you should create strategies to "thinking 2.0". Núñez Noda is in favor of the integration of word processing, image editing and video, how managers manage network accounts, and have a blog to produce and edit their own content, which forces you to develop skills and abilities to work fully.
In this regard, the recommendation to the media is to train as much as possible to the workers of the plant: "Everything flows faster when trains journalists."
CM for every need
One of the most important papers was "Social networks and business strategy" that gave Rojas, who referred to the importance and formation of a CM.
The specialist explained that the community management does not marketing is just as it also serves to attract talents and even as an excellent Customer Service, Rojas said in speaking of the benefits and advantages of a company to hire a CM whose work stood out as a profession to be prevail strategies to achieve the objectives.

Rojas recommended to those who want to train as CM, the important thing is the attitude, because fitness can be formed with study and practice, which is what ultimately will result. Repeatedly stated that there is a formula that works for every client, but must be adapted according to the needs and business activity.
He stated that a community manager should analyze all the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the company and serve as a channel to meet her goals. Also handle multiple protocols, including crisis: what to do and how to take the errors in front of customers.
He insisted that social networks are a part of the tools, and what is sought her in most cases is to generate traffic to the original source of the mark, usually a page. In that vein, he said that there should be an appropriate mix between the web and the CM, it is useless because it captures thousand users to a website that really does not work.
The social networking expert and business strategy also detailed the correct structure must possess a tweet: title + link (link) + source + hashtag, and the challenge is to do between 110 and 120 characters, to make room for users to retuitear easily. On this point, also recommended thinking about develop messages friends, wonder if it is of interest, and is useful because it ensures an interaction of the followers.
Framed in publicizing the experiences of each specialist, the 2012 Social Media Tour will continue on Wednesday 15 August in Barquisimeto, Valencia on 17 and end on 18 in Maracay. The invitation is to explore, and dare to leverage the tools to gain skills in a field that is not new, but to innovate.

Possible pyramids in Egypt discovered using images from Google Earth


Google Earth could be the tool of a new historical discovery. As a researcher, an expert in this type of satellite images, Google's service complexes show two unknown pyramids in Egypt.
The Internet giant images show several mounds whose form suggests that it could try to pyramids and were discovered by Angela Micol who has over 10 years doing archaeological research by satellite.
One of the sites shows a formation three times larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza with a width of about 189 meters, depending on the Discovery Channel website. Meanwhile, another resort is a little smaller but still significant at 76 meters, still on the Great Pyramid.
The researcher points out that these sites were found using satellite images of Google Earth and would not have been discovered so far by other researchers as expert Egyptologist and pyramid Nabil Selim. What is missing now is the next step obviously includes a field study of those places.
This is not the first time that archeology uses Google Earth to find new places. An example is the Australian scientist, David Kennedy, University of Western Australia, who identified 1977 sites as potential archaeological sites in Saudi Arabia through this tool.

Create a costume can make you feel as a young 75 years old (+ video)


In order that young people understand the limitations imposed by the passage of age, doctors Geriatric Center Berlin Evangelical created a suit that reproduces the feel of a person 75 years in their day to day.
The suit named "Age Gain Now Empathy System" (Agnes), was designed by Dr. Rahel Eckardt, who seeks a greater understanding among people brimming with energy, and lose patience with the slowness with which elderly in their daily lives unfold.
To enable a young man feel like a 75, Eckardt designed this particular garment that weighs 10 kilograms and has padded areas at the knees and shoulders, in order to limit and hinder the movements of the wearer.
What's more, the suit comes with plugs that muffle the sounds in the ears, a helmet which impairs vision lens, and padded gloves to reduce tactile sensation.