One analyst recently said that Microsoft has established 7.5 inches as the size for the new screen that incorporates the second generation of tablets Surface, which of course would go on sale between January and March of next year. The display would have a resolution of 1400 × 1050 pixels, which would give it a pixel density of 233 per inch. This would make the future Living in one of the tablets within the range of 7 inch best resolution on the market.
Microsoft did not sell the units expected from the Original Surface when it launched, but it seems that this time will be produced million units since the beginning, so that the company is very optimistic about his new tablet .
Recall that 7-inch tablets like the Nexus 7, iPad Mini and others have proved extremely popular with consumers, therefore no chances of a Surface of this size is too. A level specifications still no data, but remember that we have many months to go before the launch of this device.
What do you think about it? Do you think Microsoft could succeed with a new 7.5-inch tablet or things did not go so well?