Thursday, August 23, 2012

Does 2D goodbye to cinema?

Besides Hollywood producers, does anyone still interested in 3D movies? Sure, but I'm sure other people do not have the slightest interest, either because it gives gives head pain, because the resolution seems to be worse or because the 3D room tickets are more expensive than a common room. Currently, the 3D is optional, but may become the only format available in the not too distant future, but fortunately is one that does not require 3D glasses.
To see a 3D movie requires two projectors (each projecting a different image) and also the viewer's Wear plastic lenses pretty sure that everyone knows. It is mainly due to the additional use of a projector and glasses as an input to a 3D movie costs more than the same movie in 2D, but this would not be so thanks to a new technology that comes from the Korean labor Optic Express .
The technique is more or less, to use a filter that covers part of the screen and the images will sandwiching vertically. For now, this 3D technology is not very good because it has low resolution and has other drawbacks, but if it becomes commercial could be the end of the film in 2D and it would not need to raise prices to no more required a projector nor a Lots of special glasses.

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