Monday, December 31, 2012

Apple abandons claims against the Galaxy S III Mini

We're on the last day of the year and likely Apple wants to start the next on the right foot, while also adding a little rest to his lawyers. What do you see the lawyers? As the company has decided to withdraw the patent claims made ​​against the Galaxy S III Mini for Samsung . It seems that both parties have agreed on this and have decided to leave the matter behind.
After Samsung announced that the S III Mini not be sold in the United States, the largest market for Apple, apple gladly withdrew its complaint.
Neither Samsung nor Apple or their representatives have agreed to make comments. For now we are just two possibilities: first, it is possible that Apple and Samsung have finally signed a peace agreement, which frankly does not seem to be the case, and on the other hand just have a little distraction, a pause in the war patent between the two companies to resume it in the future, which is what many believe is happening.
What do you think?

1 ความคิดเห็น:

I assume everything the entrepreneur says is honest.

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