Saturday, October 6, 2012

Motorola beats Microsoft in a patent violation case

It seems that the giants of technology will never end the war of patents.  Virtually all major companies are or have been involved in one of these cases, and sometimes not a single adversary, but with several. This has also led to criticism of the Patent Office of the United States.
Lately, Microsoft has taken an aggressive stance against Motorola. In Germany, the giant software has won three patent violation cases against Motorola Mobility, which as we know is part of Google since a couple of months. In a fourth case, the judge has decided to support Motorola. The patent in question relates to the ability of an application to run across multiple mobile .
This is a small victory only because Microsoft is doing everything possible to prevent the sale of a number of Motorola phones in Germany. Google, which acquired Motorola Mobility for greater amount of patent available, seems to have had more problems than joy because rape cases patent that is submerged the phone manufacturer.

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